Friday, January 14, 2011

My Time As An Insurance Have Not In The United States Is Over

"Just make sure to wrap yourself in bubble wrap for the next 12 hours or so."

And with those words, the final process for me being insured again was set into motion.  That wasn't necessarily a scary one week or so among the 65 million uninsured in the United States (or is that number less now, I'm not sure), but I do feel more comfortable have a security blanket between me and really intense medical bills.

In the end, I didn't need to call around to anyone.  The insurance broker called me.  At first I worried it was just a scam.  But, if it is, it's the most elaborate scam I've ever been caught up in (not that I've been caught up in many).  Everything seems legit.  PJP Health Agency ( contacted me after I filled out some forms on the internet.

They recommended that I purchase insurance from Heatlh Insurance Innovations ( based on my information.

I was a bit worried since I have what some would call a pre-existing condition, but based on facts like I'm not overweight and I don't have AIDS, I met the criteria and wasn't turned down.  I guess I probably have the Health Care Bill to thank for that one.

The policy's particulars are as follows:

  • $2,500 deductable for hospital care.
  • $50 deductable for up to three doctor's visits per six months (including specialists).
  • ~54% reduction in generic drugs.
  • ~15% reduction in name brand drugs.
  • $124.48 per month, month-to-month, for up to six months.

I'm a bit annoyed about the lack of a true prescription benefit that ended up being confirmed since I thought I heard on the phone that it was a co-pay.  But, hey it beats paying full price I guess.  I'll have to see when I go to the pharmacy tomorrow what kind of deal I'm really getting.

But, hey, it's not a bad price overall.  And if I don't like it, I can cancel after a month and look again.  And I will write horrible things about them in this blog.  Which, apparently now has a reader in Singapore.  Thanks for reading, whoever you are.  I'm not sure how a blog about unemployment in the United States will help you, but I appreciate seeing you pop up on my analytics.

The only other price under $200.00 was Blue Cross/Blue Shield for $165.00 a month or so.

The big thing is, as of 12:01 a.m. this morning, I'm insured again.

I'd write more, but I'm off to the Museum of Science and Industry for another free day today and on the bus as I type this (actually passing near my old work at the present moment).  And I'm not even wrapped in bubble wrap.

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