When old dudes say that they have "socks older than you" I now know what they meant. The most worrisome part of my cleaining, my closet, is now reaching its apex. And what I discovered was that I have so many socks that I could probably go two months without washing them. That is, if I kept all of them. And if I wanted the disaster area that was my closet floor to reemerge. My goodness. If I hadn't moved now, I probably would have ended up with socks older than most high schoolers in the bottom of my closet.
But now they're all in one of two bags. If they had holes in them, they are in a garbage bag that I will be taking down to the dumpsters after I hit send on this blog entry. If they didn't, they're in my laundry backpack to be washed. When they are done being laundered, if any sock ends up not being part of a matched pair, I'm donating them to charity with any of my other clothes that have holes in them (and some I just don't want anymore).
Thankfully, I didn't find my rodent friend of a decayed carcass thereof in the bottom of my closet. This was why I was so worried about this part of the cleaning.
Anyhow, on a happier note, I have decided that I am definitely going to drive my stuff to Washington D.C.
I'm going to see a Seaweed reunion show in New York City on the 22nd, so to take the train there is an added expense anyhow. If I have a car in D.C., I can pass through New York City on the way home. And this will also let me drive through Detroitish and hug my parents and the like since I'm moving twice as far away. Not like I visit them now, but at least it's currently more possible on a whim.
So, here's my theoretical ONE-WEEK itinerary:
APRIL 18 Car in Chicago to load up in evening.
APRIL 19 Chicago, IL -> Woodbridge, VA. If I have to stop, this leaves an extra day. The trip says 12 hours, 48 minutes. I'll just have to leave early.
APRIL 20 Car in Woodbridge to unload into storage unit (or finishing getting there and then unloading).
APRIL 21 Woodbridge, VA -> New York City, NY. Worse case scenario, I do this the morning of the concert.
APRIL 22 Car in New York City.
APRIL 23 New York City -> Northville, MI. Another 11 hour drive. If I need to stop in the middle, it will limit my time in Detroitish.
APRIL 24 Car in Northville, MI
APRIL 25 Northville, MI -> Chicago, IL
The car will be about $230.00 plus about $90.00 more for insurance so $320.00 (the train to NYC would have been $120.00 and sending my stuff via mail would easily be far over $100.00). The gas will be expensive I'm sure. But I'm using my tax return to pay for my move to D.C. (I think it's appropriate) and so the $600.00 or so combined will be under that mark. Each additional day would be about $35.00 more if I wanted to not rush it at all. A day and a half in New York is probably fine since I'll be living so close.
I'm going to play around with the dates a bit and probably will go for eight or nine days. It's kind of exciting to move this way, I have to be honest. Plus making sure I can fit everything in a car will mean that I have more desire to throw out useless things - like infinite pairs of socks.
If homeless people want to make sock puppets out of my donation, more power to 'em. :)